Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from Marked.
Family Quotes
I wanted to scream how the hell would any of us know what my father was going to say, we haven't seen or heard from him for fourteen years! But I knew it wouldn't do any good, and it always just ma...
Appearances Quotes
It was like staring into the face of a familiar stranger. You know, that person you see in a crowd and swear you know, but you really don't? Now she was me—the familiar stranger. (1.56)
The Home Quotes
I glanced up at the big brick house that, after three years, still didn't feel like home. (2.50)
The Supernatural Quotes
Without any more hesitation, I flung my spirit forward and down into the crevasse, following the trail of my blood and the silver memory of my grandma's whisper until I came to the smooth floor of...
Friendship Quotes
Stevie Rae swallowed hard and finished in a rush, "I guess what I'm trying to say is that I want us to be friends." (8.85)
Transformation Quotes
"We studied this in AP Biology. It's a physiological reaction that takes place in some teenagers' bodies as their hormone levels rise." (3.14)
Sex Quotes
"Did you know that your oldest daughter has turned into a sneaky, spoiled slut who's screwed half of the football team?" (2.77)
Education Quotes
I felt like crap. I must be coming down with what Mr. Wise, my more-than-slightly-insane AP biology teacher, called the Teenage Plague. If I died, would it get me out of my geometry test tomorrow?...