Lines 41-45
- The modes of transportation get more elaborate. Stilts, fish, and a Crunk-Car are all available. What's a Crunk-Car? Let's just say you steampunk fans will be ogling in green-eyed envy.
Lines 46-50
- The traveling arrangements lean a little on the unsafe side. Lion's tail and postage? No thank you.
Lines 51-54
- A return to the theme of this rant in case it slipped your mind. Still more emphasis building on the "go, Go, GO!" (54).
Lines 55-58
- The Narrator suggests Marvin might like traveling by Zumble-Zay. Well, we'd sure like to; it looks ridiculously fun.
Lines 59-66
- Marvin may try balloons like the guy from Up or a broomstick like the old Witch of the West. He can even go "by camel / in a / bureau drawer" (64-66). Wait, what?
Lines 67-71
- A Bumble-boat and jet are also offered up. At this point, the narrator doesn't care how as long as the going happens.
Lines 71-76
- Marvin can even leave by a Ga-Zoom. It's our personal favorite. Think Seuss-styled cannon.
Lines 77-81
- The Narrator doesn't care how anymore. He just wants Marvin to leave and now.
Lines 82-86
- The Narrator means business. Just look at the font size on those "Go"s.
Lines 87-89
- The time finally arrives. Marvin leaves. The end.