Marvin K. Mooney Will You Please Go Now! Resources


Home Sweet Home

Marvin K. Mooney's home at the official Seussville website.

Heavy Metal Bio

The Dr. Seuss National Memorial comes with a biography and a statue. Nice.

Giving Doc Props

Although we love Marvin K. Mooney, we've got to give Dr. Seuss the props as well. Informative props found here.

They made it?

Someone actually made a Zike-bike? Is that legal? Or safe?

Historical Documents

Rare Information

Seuss's widow, Audrey, gives a rare interview about the dearly departed doc.

The Nixon Rewrite

This isn't the only time Nixon's name made something funnier. But certainly one of the best.

Same Protest; Different Politician

Hosni Mubarak of Egypt finds his name rewritten into the very same poem Nixon found himself in almost thirty years ago. We're not so different after all.

The Gift that Keeps on Giving

Even Hillary Clinton got the Marvin K. Mooney treatment back in 2008 when she refused to stop running against Barack Obama. Wonder how many more times it'll happen?

Historical Mooney

The White House's official page for the president Seuss loved to not love.


Prime Insult

Prime Minister Gordon Brown is given the Marvin K. treatment with a hint of Terminator for flavor. We're not joking. See for yourself.

At the Shrine of Seuss

They say Dr. Seuss: Rhymes and Reasons is a documentary, but it feels more like a shrine in Internet video form.

Time to Go Now

When the real life Marvin K. Mooney finally decided to leave, this was his transportation mode of choice.

Seuss's Nightmare

Would Seuss laugh uproariously or cringe fearfully at this clip from Futurama?


Fairy Wand

A reading of Marvin K. Mooney by a 3rd grader. It's well read and comes equipped with fairy wand sound effects. Why fairy wand? Why not?


Cover to Cover

When you're in the bookstore, this is the cover to look for.

Other Way

When being addressed in Hebrew, Marvin K. must go the other way.


Marvin K. may be absent from this Internet meme, but that only makes it a little less awesome.

The Mooney Treatment

Hosni S. Mubarak is given the Mooney meme treatment.

Old School

We don't think you'll find this old school cover anywhere, but it's still pretty cool.