When authors refer to other great works, people, and events, it’s usually not accidental. Put on your super-sleuth hat and figure out why.
Literary and Philosophical References
- William Shakespeare (544)
- William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar (547)
- Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy (566-592, 644-645)
- Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy, War and Peace (579)
- Alexandre Dumas (625)
- Karl Marx (625)
- Dostoevsky (625-626)
- Nietzsche (626)
- Plato (630)
- Freud (632-634)
- Sir Alexander Fleming, The Microbe Hunters (629-642)
Historical References
- Leonardo da Vinci (362)
- Joan of Arc (389-392)
- Winston Churchill (443-444, 584)
- Napoleon (469-498)
- Charles Darwin (504-534)
- Abraham Lincoln (535)
- William Wilberforce (540-541)
- Jesus Christ (596-614)
- Mohammed (604-608)
- Socrates (625)
- Mahatma Gandhi (1426-1429)
- General Smuts (1481) Jan Smuts, former military leader and Prime Minister of South Africa
Pop Culture References
- Fred Astaire (81, 751)
- Ginger Rogers (81, 91, 751)
- Sarah Vaughan (95)
- Count Basie (150, 178-180, 185-190)
- Jungle Jim (261)
- Batman and Robin (261-262, 1514)
- Tarzan (262)
- Joe Louis (746-748) African-American boxer who defeated German boxer Max Schmeling and became a hero to blacks in the U.S and South Africa.
- Max Schmeling (749-750)
- Rita Hayworth (752)
- Submariner (1514)