How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
William preferred the darkness. (1.18)
Many times in literature, light symbolizes good and dark symbolizes evil. This is a clue that Mr. McIntyre might not be the helpful attorney that people think he is. But it's important to note that he "prefers" the darkness, so perhaps there's some light inside him after all.
Quote #2
A man stood in the doorway, his face obscured by shadows, his suit as black as oil. (1.23)
Here's another instance of darkness symbolizing evil. The man in black doesn't seem to have any gray area. He's all black. He must wash his clothes in Woolite Dark.
Quote #3
"They just want [Grace's] fortune," Dan decided. (2.35)
Dan makes the assumption that every other Cahill in the family is an evil gold-digger. Their behavior at the funeral doesn't do anything to convince us otherwise. Is it possible that the entire family is evil? Or at the very least really, really greedy?