The Maze of Bones (The 39 Clues) Themes
You might dread going to your family reunion because your uncle's potato salad is disgusting and you always argue with your cousin about something that happened so long ago, neither of you even rem...
When you live in a city full of historical landmarks, it's easy to let them become part of your everyday scenery instead of the parts of history that they are. Amy and Dan Cahill live in Boston, a...
Good vs. Evil
Some people believe that you're either born good or born evil. Some people believe it's all in how you're raised, whether you turn out committing good deeds or bad. Others think there are shades of...
Throughout literature, there are tons of people who have been stabbed in the back (sometimes literally). Julius Caesar by Brutus. Sirius Black by Peter Pettigrew. Pretty much everybody in A Game of...
The Beatles sang about getting by with a little help from their friends. They knew that in order to succeed, you need loyal friends (at least until Yoko came along). Amy and Dan Cahill have a huge...
If you've seen Survivor, you know how a key part of the game is getting people to do what you want without knowing that they're doing your bidding. From the fat, naked guy to Russell Hantz, Survivo...
Why snackrifice in this economy? You can enjoy a tasty treat for a fraction of the price: Wait, what's that? Oh, this is about sacrifice not snackrifice. Hang on a second while we finish these grah...
Lies and Deceit
With some games, lies and deceit are built right into the rules. Balderdash. Big Brother. Texas Hold 'Em. The 39 Clues Book One: The Maze of Bones is like all these games combined and put into over...