Find quotes from this novel, with commentary from Shmoop. Pick a theme below to begin.
Family Quotes
Dan Cahill thought he had the most annoying big sister on the planet. And that was before she set fire to two million dollars. (2.1)
Exploration Quotes
Grace had shown [Amy] a hand-drawn map of Africa and told her stories about the adventures she'd had when she was a young explorer. (3.9)
Good vs. Evil Quotes
William preferred the darkness. (1.18)
Betrayal Quotes
Dan wanted [Grace] to say something special to them: Dan and Amy, I'll miss you most of all. Nobody else in this room really matters to me. (2.107)
Loyalty Quotes
[Mr. McIntyre] had been Grace's adviser, her closest confidant, for half her life. (1.6)
Manipulation Quotes
"Make sure they suspect nothing." (1.23)
Sacrifice Quotes
Dan loved collecting things. (2.3)
Lies and Deceit Quotes
"Did you know I invented the microwaveable burrito?" (4.81)