How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
I could well imagine Will pushing her away. But surely if you loved someone it was your job to stick with him? (4.124)
Here, Lou is talking about Alicia, Will's ex-girlfriend, who left him soon after the accident. It's easy to judge her for this decision, but life can be complicated sometimes—and this is really complicated. Love doesn't always conquer all, as it turns out. And that's our emo moment for the day.
Quote #2
And then, out of nowhere, Will Traynor laughed. It exploded out of him in a gasp, as if it were entirely unexpected. (5.33)
Will is a total jerkface toward Lou at first, so this first guffaw is a big step forward for their relationship. We think we hear Cupid's wings a-buzzing. Oh, wait—that's just a mosquito. Carry on, folks. Our bad.
Quote #3
I was no longer in sole charge of a poorly quadriplegic. It was just me, sitting next to a particularly sarcastic bloke, having a chat. (6.174)
Lou quickly lets go of her preconceptions of quadriplegics and looks at Will as an individual—and a great one at that. They develop a classic back-and-forth banter that wouldn't be out of place in a sitcom or romantic comedy.