Mean Girls Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Mean Girls.

Quote #4

CADY: You're not stupid, Karen.

KAREN: No. I am, actually. I'm failing almost everything.

CADY: Well, there must be something you're good at.


KAREN: I'm kind of psychic. I have a fifth sense.

Karen's identity revolves around the fact that she's not the sharpest knife in the drawer, so it's kind of shocking, and even a little bit sad, when we learn that she's aware of it, and still doesn't seem to want anything more out of life than to be Plastic. That's also why it's so cool to see her using her "fifth sense" to do the morning weather reports at the end of the film.

Quote #5

CADY: I pretended to be bad at math so that you'd help me, but the thing is, I'm not really bad at math. I'm actually really good at math. You're kind of bad at math. Anyways, now I'm failing. Isn't that funny?

AARON: Wait. You're failing on purpose? That's stupid.

CADY: No, not on purpose. Just, you know, I just wanted a reason to talk to you.

AARON: So why didn't you just talk to me?

CADY: Well, because I couldn't. Because of Regina. Because you were her, her property—

AARON: Her property?

CADY: No. Shut up. Not her property—

Two things here: first, Aaron's exactly right. It's way lame that Cady pretends to be bad at math in order to talk to Aaron. For starters, if he's bad at math, why couldn't she just offer to tutor him, right? Second, Aaron's still right: Cady is acting like a clone of Regina here, right down to telling him to shut up. She thinks acting dumb and mouthing off is the way to attract Aaron, and she's super-duper wrong.

Quote #6

CADY: You know I couldn't invite you. I had to pretend to be Plastic.

JANIS: Hey, buddy, you're not pretending anymore. You're plastic. Cold, shiny, hard Plastic.

Janis and Cady's fight in the street is a wake-up call for Cady. She has turned to Plastic. She dresses like them. She talks like them. She's self-centered like them. She's not doing Plastics sabotage anymore; she's just hanging out with her fellow Plastics—and leaving Janis and Damian in the dust.