Mean Girls Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Mean Girls.

Quote #7

JANIS: See, that is the thing with you Plastics. You think that everybody is in love with you, when actually, everybody hates you. Like Aaron Samuels, for example. He broke up with Regina and guess what: He still doesn't want you. So why are you still messing with Regina, Cady? I'll tell you why. Because you are a mean girl! You're a b****!

Preach, Janis! Cady's in denial that she's a Plastic because, underneath that haze of hairspray and lip gloss, the kindhearted, levelheaded girl that we met at the beginning of the movie is still in there, and she knows that the Plastics are awful.

Quote #8

CADY'S MOM: This is the fertility vase of the Ndebele tribe. Does that mean anything to you?


CADY'S MOM: Who are you??

After half the school thinks Cady threw Regina in front of a bus, we're pretty sure Cady's asking herself that, too.

Quote #9

CADY'S DAD: Maybe you should come back and be home-schooled again for a while.

CADY: No, the only thing worse than going back would be not going back.

CADY'S DAD: How bad's it gonna be tomorrow?

CADY: Remember when we saw those lions fighting over the wart hog carcass? I'll be the wart hog.

CADY'S DAD: You're not a wart hog. You're a lion.

Dad's right. She's a lion, and the fact that she realizes she has to suck it up and show her face at North Shore is the first step toward Plastics rehabilitation.