Mean Girls Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Mean Girls.

Quote #10

NORBURY: Well, you didn't write that whole book yourself. Did you tell Mr. Duvall who else did it?

CADY: No, because I'm trying this new thing where I don't talk about people behind their backs.

AARON: That's all right. Getting hit by a bus is pretty good punishment.


AARON: Welcome back, nerd.

That's our girl. Aceing her calculus quiz and not being a gossip. When Aaron welcomes Cady back, he isn't just welcoming her back to total math class domination. Grool.

Quote #11

CADY: I had gone from home-schooled jungle freak to shiny Plastic to most hated person in the world to actual human being. All the drama from last year just wasn't important anymore. School used to be like a shark tank, but now I could just float. Finally, Girl World was at peace.

By the end of the film, Cady's settled into a comfortable identity: she's just herself. Her "new student" sheen has worn off and the implosion of the Plastics also destroyed North Shore's network of cliques. She's embraced the worldview of international spiritual leader Mary J. Blige: "No more drama, no more drama."