Guide Mentor


Guide Mentor

Character Role Analysis

Agent K

Agent K is that gruff math teacher who's two semesters away from retirement and tired of teaching the Pythagorean theorem to sophomores. Okay, he's not that bad, but he is coming up on retirement and he is gruff and he does teach Jay the ins-and-outs of being an agent for the Men in Black. He just has a little more patience than our sophomore math teacher ever did.

Kay's teaching method is more hands-on than written exam. He teaches Jay the history of the Men in Black and how to properly approach people: "Give them time to get the wrong idea. Makes things go smoother." Under his tutelage, Jay also learns that the world is constantly on the verge of destruction, dereliction, or annihilation, and that the only way people get by is by not knowing it. That's a doozy of a lesson, but Kay at least teaches Jay how to solve the problem by saving the Earth.