Million Dollar Baby Resources


The Official Facebook Page

Click "Like" if you know how Scrap gets that ice in those water bottles.

The Official Warner Brothers Site

This is the closest you're going to get to an official movie site. The URL whisks you away to fancy baby furniture.

No, really.

Book or TV Adaptations

Million Dollar Baby: Stories from the Corner (2000)

Here it is: F.X. Toole's original collection of short stories from which the movie's Oscar-nominated script was adapted.

Articles and Interviews

Roger Ebert's Review (December 14, 2004)

He liked it! He really liked it!

A.O. Scott's Review (December 15, 2004)

Surprise! Scott dug it, too.

"'Million Dollar' mystery" (January 23, 2005)

Susan Wioszczyna examines the controversy surrounding the movie, the offense taken by conservative pundits, and the ethical questions posed by spoilers. This flick got a lot of people worked up.

"Critics Have No Right to Play Spoiler" (January 29, 2005)

More Ebert. This time the Chicago critic weighs in on the "To Spoil or Not To Spoil?" debate.

"'Plant Your Feet and Tell the Truth': An Interview with Clint Eastwood" (January 31, 2005)

"I must say that the first time I ever heard about women boxing I thought, 'This is an odd sport for a woman to do.'"

"How Dirty Harry Turned Commie" (February 13, 2005)

Frank Rich has a different take on what it is about Million Dollar Baby that got people all riled up.

"Clint Eastwood Sits Down with Bill O'Reilly" (February 25, 2005)

Eastwood addresses the hullabaloo around his boxing movie with FOX News' favorite son.

"Fighting Words" (February 26, 2005)

The New York Times' Wes Davis examines the movie's use, and misuse, of the Irish language.

"Frankie, Maggie, and Me: Inside the Million Dollar Maelstrom" (April 1, 2005)

Film critic Jeff Shannon, himself a C5-6 quadriplegic, offers his unique take on the media firestorm that engulfed Eastwood's Oscar winner.


The Official Trailer

In which Warner Brothers whets your appetite for boxing…and emotion!

Frankie Tells Maggie How It's Going to Be If He Trains Her

This guy sure has a lot of rules.

Maggie Fights the British Champ

For once, she doesn't knock her opponent out in, like, four seconds.

Maggie's Final Request

There are fights, and then there are fights.

Frankie: "I killed her."

Scrap: "Um, no you didn't."

Hilary Swank on What Million Dollar Baby is All About (2004)

By her own count, she says "real" a million times.

Clint Eastwood with Charlie Rose (January 14, 2005)

In this clip, Eastwood talks about Hilary Swank's training. Girlfriend put on close to twenty pounds of muscle.

Million Dollar Baby Wins Best Picture at the 77th Academy Awards (February 27, 2005)

And presenter Barbra Streisand really hams it up.

Clint Eastwood Wins Best Director at the 77th Academy Awards (February 27, 2005)

At age 74, Eastwood became the oldest person to win Best Director. He brought his 96 year-old mother, Ruth, as one of his dates.

Hilary Swank Wins Best Actress at the 77th Academy Awards (February 27, 2005)

Knocking out Annette Bening, Catalina Sandino Moreno, Imelda Staunton, and Kate Winslet.

Morgan Freeman Wins Best Supporting Actor at the 77th Academy Awards (February 27, 2005)

In a lovely tribute to Scrap, he was just hanging around backstage in the dark, waiting to overhear his name.

Million Dollar Baby in Five Seconds

The Guy Without Glasses gives Frankie and Maggie's story the TL;DR treatment.


"Blue Morgan"

This is the Clint Eastwood-penned main theme from Million Dollar Baby. Variations of it appear all throughout the movie.

"Frankie's Decision"

This track accompanies Frankie's big decision, hence the clever title.


Clint Eastwood Behind the Camera

Million Dollar Baby is the 25th film he directed.

Hilary Swank On the Hit Pit Set

Just before the crew asked the Oscar winning actress to please stop punching the expensive cameras.

Morgan Freeman on Set

Scrap chillin' in the shadows, as always.

The Official Movie Poster

Go on, Swank. Show that back off. You earned it.

Spanish Lobby Card

Promotional lobby cards used to be all the rage back in the day. Today? Not so much—at least not in the U.S.

Swank Meets Eastwood's Mom, Ruth, at an Academy Awards After-Party

Check out Clint's swanky, "Mo Cuishle" green bowtie!