Million Dollar Baby Strength and Skill Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Million Dollar Baby.

Quote #7

SCRAP: All fighters are pig-headed some way or other. Some part of them always thinks they know better than you about something. Truth is, even if they're wrong, even if that one thing is going to be the ruin of them, if you can beat that last bit out of them, they ain't fighters at all.

Scrap isn't just talking about a boxer's physical strength here, Shmooper. He's talking about the whole package: strength of body, mind, and soul.

Quote #8

SCRAP: Everybody's got a particular number of fights in them. Nobody tells you what that number is.

In the world of boxing, physical strength is a limited time offer.

Quote #9

SCRAP: [after knocking out Shawrelle] 110. Get a job, punk.

Scrap's body may have broken down after fight #109—specifically, his eyeball—but his strength of character carries him through fight #110. With panache.