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Courage Quotes in Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"They're coming for me, understand? […] What am I supposed to fight them with, the goddamned butter knife?" (1.24)

Grandpa is either senile in thinking monsters are after him, or brave for wanting to stand up and fight them. At this point, it's difficult to tell which.

Quote #2

"I got a .22 in my trunk. You just wait." And he walked off to retrieve it. (1.77)

It's a good thing Jacob has brave friends, too. Well, owning a gun is either "brave" or just kind of a Florida thing. We're not sure which.

Quote #3

I picked up the flashlight and stepped toward the trees. (1.79)

Even though he isn't armed with anything more than a flashlight, Jacob heads into the forest to find his grandfather. That takes courage. Who knows what lurks in the woods of Florida? Alligators, rabid theme park mascots—anything could be out there.