Missing May Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Missing May? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What animal does Summer compare herself to when she's staying with the Ohio relatives?

A dog ready to attack them all
A glum turkey before the holidays
A mouse begging for crumbs
A frog waiting to be kissed by a handsome prince
Q. Why does Cletus say he likes collecting pictures so much?

Because they tell a story
Because he's not allowed to watch TV
Because he thinks it'll impress Summer
Because they don't have baseball cards to collect
Q. How does Uncle Ob describe Aunt May's ghostly presence when he feels it?

It feels like a big, warm hug
It feels like she's packing up to go to Ohio
It pops up whenever he forgets to pick up his socks or do the dishes
It feels like she's nagging him to do chores
Q. What does Uncle Ob tell Cletus's parents about their trip?

That they're going to talk to a spiritualist medium
That they're going on a sightseeing adventure to help Summer get over the death of her aunt
That they're going to Disneyland
That they're just going to have a sleepover and aren't leaving town at all
Q. What does Aunt May's spirit say to Summer at the end of the book?

That she's the best little girl she ever knew
That she should date Cletus
That Uncle Ob needs to stop making so many whirligigs
That the garden needs watering