Mrs Dalloway Character Quotes
MoreMrs Dalloway Character Quotes
Mrs Dalloway (Clarissa) Quotes
It's no surprise that Clarissa Dalloway is our main protagonist – heck, the book is named after her. We don’t see through her eyes the entire time, but she’s the center of the action, especia...
Septimus Warren Smith Quotes
Septimus is a shell-shocked World War I soldier. He’s a unique figure in literature because he was one of the first characters to show the horrors of war and the trauma that occurs after combat....
Peter Walsh Quotes
Old Crushes Die HardPeter is Clarissa’s old suitor from the days of Bourton. He’s lives in India, but has come to London to arrange for the married woman he loves (Daisy) to get a divorce. It�...
Sally Seton (Lady Rosseter) Quotes
Sally is Clarissa’s friend from the days of Bourton. Theirs was a very deep friendship that happened to have a little sexual tension going for it. Clarissa’s most exquisite memory is of being k...
Sir William Bradshaw (Dr Bradshaw) Quotes
Sir William Bradshaw is the character who most embodies British upper-class patriarchal oppression. Okay, that's a lot of words. Basically, he's British and proud of it (no exceptions); he's rich;...
Miss Kilman Quotes
Miss Doris Kilman is in love with Elizabeth, an attraction that Clarissa finds repulsive. So repulsive, in fact, that Clarissa thinks of Miss Kilman as a monster – eek. Clarissa is of course afra...
Lucrezia Smith (a.k.a. Rezia) Quotes
Rezia is Septimus' wife, who he met at the end of the war when he was staying at her home in Milan, Italy. In Italy, she was a hatmaker with her sisters and loved her life. In London, Rezia feels e...
Lady Millicent Bruton Quotes
A woman with an impressive family tree and all the right social and political connections, Millicent Bruton enjoys having important men over to her lunches. Most wives, she believes, get in the way...
Evans Quotes
Evans is Septimus' friend and an officer in the war, who died just before the war ended. His relationship with Septimus is described as that of "two dogs playing on the hearth-rug […] They had to...
Mr Brewer Quotes
Mr Brewer is the managing clerk and Septimus’ boss at "Sibleys and Arrowsmiths, auctioneers, valuers, land and estate agents" (4.87). Before the war, he took Septimus under his wing and enjoyed a...