My Life in Dog Years Loyalty Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

He loved me, he would play with me, he would talk to me, he would consider me, but if she was around I simply ceased to exist. (8.26)

Quincy only has eyes for Paulsen's wife. She's his person.

Quote #8

I told her, "He may run off." He never left her side. (8.28)

Oh, by the way, Quincy was so dedicated to Paulsen's wife that he attacked a bear to save her.

Quote #9

He is loving, thoughtful, wonderfully intelligent—frighteningly so, at times—and completely and totally devoted to the person he views as his master. (9.2)

The phrase "views as his master" hints at Paulsen's relationship to Josh. He doesn't consider himself Josh's master, even if Josh does.