My Life in Dog Years Violence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

For a time in my life I became a street kid. It would be nice to put it another way but what with the drinking at home and the difficulties it caused my parents I couldn't live in the house. (4.1)

Paulsen never says that his parents were abusive, but it's strongly implied. There was definitely emotional violence—so much so that by age 12 he couldn't even stay at home.

Quote #5

They did not have firearms—but many carried switchblade knives. These groups were predatory, and they hunted the streets at night. (4.6-4.7)

When Paulsen is a teenager, a local gang regularly beats him up and steals his money. At least, they do until Paulsen meets Dirk.

Quote #6

There was a snarling growl that seemed to come from the bowels of the earth, followed by the sound of ripping cloth, screams, and then the fading slap of footsteps running away. (4.25)

This scene, when Dirk the dog appoints himself Paulsen's bodyguard, is amazing. Maybe we should have a dog division of the Secret Service. Dirk is as violent as the gang, but he has an excuse: self-defense and defense of his pal. He's not picking on anybody smaller than he is, either.