Identity Quotes in My Sister's Keeper

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"You don't know what it's like to being the kid whose sister is dying of cancer." (6.4.73)

Again, we only see Anna in relation to her sister. We can't imagine how many times she's called "the one with the dying sister" instead of "Anna."

Quote #8

It's getting harder and harder to be a bastard. (9.2.1)

It seems that "bastard" is Campbell's self-assigned label (at least until he gets so good at the part that everyone else starts calling him one, too). But he puts up this front to protect himself and his soft gooey center.

Quote #9

"There are several studies that indicate children who serve as donors have higher self-esteem, and feel more important within the family structure. They consider themselves superheroes, because they can do the one thing no one else can." (9.2.21)

Campbell agrees that this doesn't sound like Anna at all—a "study" can't accurately describe the identity of a group any more than a stereotype can.