Isolation Quotes in My Sister's Keeper

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I tell myself that I've invited [Duracell Dan] along to add to the thrill—one more person who knows only makes it more exciting. But it's really because there are some nights when you just want to know there's someone else besides you in this wide world. (5.4.9)

Poor Jesse is so lonely that he has to pay a homeless man (in Happy Meals) to accompany him on a truck-jacking. If only he lived in a world with, he might not have as hard a time finding friendship. Alas, this is the 1990s.

Quote #8

"How the hell did Anna Fitzgerald slip through the cracks?" (7.2.78)

It's not just Anna's family who ignores her; the medical ethics committee, whose freaking job it is to analyze cases like these, didn't even notice Anna.

Quote #9

The summer I was fourteen my parents sent me to a boot camp on a farm. (7.4.1)

Jesse's parents' hearts are in the right place (or are they?) but this is bad parenting. He's acting out because he feels isolated from his family… so they isolate him more. Spoiler alert: It doesn't work.