Mortality Quotes in My Sister's Keeper

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"That's why [Kate's] hanging on, you know. She wants your permission to leave." (6.4.113)

Of course Kate's parents don't want her to die, but it's almost like Kate is afraid that she'll get in trouble if she dies, despite her parents' best efforts.

Quote #8

"It's not suicide," [Kate] said, "if you're already dying." (9.5.34)

Well, the M*A*S*H theme taught us that suicide is painless, but dying by kidney failure… not so much. So we're not sure if Kate's analogy holds up—at least not to the logic of 1970s television show theme songs.

Quote #9

Kate's death would be the worst thing that's ever happened to me… and also the best. (9.8.62)

Kate's death would close some doors for her (the final door), but it would open some windows for Anna. A death is really just the end for one person: the person dying. For others, it can be a new beginning.