Rules and Order Quotes in My Sister's Keeper

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"I certainly don't think my client ought to be the one to move out. She hasn't violated the judge's orders. I'll get a temporary restraining order keeping Sara Fitzgerald from having any contact with her." (3.6.38)

The legal drama intensifies when Campbell adds a restraining order to the mix.

Quote #5

"If it comes to my attention at some future date that you have ignored this directive once again, I will report you to the bar myself and personally escort you from your home." (4.5.14)

Judge DeSalvo totally lays down the law (with a "salvo" of legal terms like "directive" and, um, "bar"). We're surprised he doesn't smack Sara in the face with his gavel.

Quote #6

"The kid doesn't have a record."

"That's because he just turned eighteen. He's got a juvy record a mile long." (5.1.132-5.1.132)

Campbell ends up getting Jesse off because of a legal loophole—all Jesse's crimes when he was seventeen and younger can basically be swept under the rug. Good thing kids become totally different people the second they turn eighteen.