No Country for Old Men Chapter VI Quotes

No Country for Old Men Chapter VI Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

Quote 4


They sell that s*** to schoolkids.

It's worse than that.

How's that?

Schoolkids buy it. (6.2.407-6.2.411)

Bell implicates the people who are buying the drugs, not just the ones transporting them. The users are just as guilty as the dealers. Just because they can't see the trail of death and destruction paved by the drug run, that doesn't mean they're not partly responsible for it.

Quote 5

When he was done he disinfected the wound a final time and tore open packets of four by fours and laid them over the holes in the leg and bound them with gauze off of a roll packaged for sheep and goats. (6.2.10)

As we've said, Chigurh is just as determined as Llewelyn is. Maybe even more so. While Llewelyn checks himself into a hospital, Chigurh decides to perform minor surgery on himself. That's nuts. It's also a good sign that Llewelyn, strong as he is, is still no match for this crazy sugar dude.

Quote 6

[Chigurh] was a little more than half way down the aisle toward the pharmacy when the car outside exploded into flame taking out most of the glass in front of the store. (6.2.5)

Chigurh isn't just a murderer; he also isn't above causing general havoc as a distraction to help him steal stuff. Yep, he destroys public property and commits robbery all in the same afternoon, and that's when he's not putting bullets through people's skulls like it ain't no thang.