No Country for Old Men Chapter VII Quotes

No Country for Old Men Chapter VII Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

Quote 4

Moss walked out onto the prairie behind the motel with one of the motel pillows under his arm and he wrapped the pillow about the muzzle of the gun and fired off three rounds and then stood there in the cold sunlight watching the feathers drift across the gray chaparral, thinking about his life. (7.2.114)

Once again, Llewelyn thinks about his life. He keeps making choices that get him deeper and deeper into trouble. Was there one fatal choice that changed everything forever? Or were there a series of choices? Both?

Quote 5

I read in the papers here a while back some teachers come across a survey. […] Had this questionnaire about what was the problems with teachin in the schools. […] And the biggest problems they could name was things like talkin in class and runnin in the hallways. Chewin gum. Copyin homework. Things of that nature. […] Forty years later. Well, here come the answers back. Rape, arson, murder. Drugs. Suicide. (7.1.1)

You might think that Sheriff Bell is just a dusty old fogey, but from these lines, it really does seem like the world is getting worse and worse, and people are committing more heinous acts every day. Do you think that's true? The 1980s were actually pretty bad, but were they that bad?

Quote 6

You got the right attitude, Paul. I wont get you in trouble. I just dont want you to leave me somewheres that I dont want to be left. (7.2.53)

We have to wonder just how many criminals get into Paul's taxi. Is there something about taxi drivers we don't know about?