No Country for Old Men Chapter VIII Quotes
No Country for Old Men Chapter VIII Quotes
How we cite the quotes:
Quote 4
I'd smoke some weed if you had some. (8.2.216)
The moral of this story is "don't do drugs, kids." The pot-smoking young hitchhiker ends up dead a couple pages later. We doubt she would have survived if she had not asked for marijuana, but McCarthy includes this dialogue for a reason. Drugs are bad news.
Quote 5
You dont start over. That's what it's about. Ever step you take is forever. You cant make it go away. (8.2.159)
Llewelyn is talking to the unnamed hitchhiker here, and he's basically telling her that it's a bad idea to stick around with him. (He's right.) However, he can't make that choice for her; she has to decide herself. And she chooses wrong.