How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Section.Paragraph)
Quote #4
People complain about the bad things that happen to em that they dont deserve but they seldom mention the good. About what they done to deserve them things. (4.1.3)
Once again, the situation is more complicated than we had thought. Although Bell isn't specifically thinking about criminals, what he says can be applied to the fact that criminals ruin everything. We focus on what the things people do and not the good things, especially when it seems like the bad outweighs the good.
Quote #5
[Chigurh] was a little more than half way down the aisle toward the pharmacy when the car outside exploded into flame taking out most of the glass in front of the store. (6.2.5)
Chigurh isn't just a murderer; he also isn't above causing general havoc as a distraction to help him steal stuff. Yep, he destroys public property and commits robbery all in the same afternoon, and that's when he's not putting bullets through people's skulls like it ain't no thang.
Quote #6
I read in the papers here a while back some teachers come across a survey. […] Had this questionnaire about what was the problems with teachin in the schools. […] And the biggest problems they could name was things like talkin in class and runnin in the hallways. Chewin gum. Copyin homework. Things of that nature. […] Forty years later. Well, here come the answers back. Rape, arson, murder. Drugs. Suicide. (7.1.1)
You might think that Sheriff Bell is just a dusty old fogey, but from these lines, it really does seem like the world is getting worse and worse, and people are committing more heinous acts every day. Do you think that's true? The 1980s were actually pretty bad, but were they that bad?