How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Section.Paragraph)
Quote #7
They sell that s*** to schoolkids.
It's worse than that.
How's that?
Schoolkids buy it. (6.2.407-6.2.411)
Bell implicates the people who are buying the drugs, not just the ones transporting them. The users are just as guilty as the dealers. Just because they can't see the trail of death and destruction paved by the drug run, that doesn't mean they're not partly responsible for it.
Quote #8
The driver watched him in the mirror. No drogas, he said. (7.2.64)
Paul the taxi driver is our favorite minor character. He only has a handful of lines, but they're all good ones. Here, we see he's fine with weapons, and he's fine with assisting Llewelyn in some illegal activity, but he wants nothing to do with drugs. He knows how devastating they can be.
Quote #9
I think if you were Satan and you were settin around trying to think up somethin that would just bring the human race to its knees what you would probably come up with is narcotics. (8.1.4)
In case you haven't realized that the characters in this book believe that drugs are evil, Bell flat-out compares them to Satan here. Do you agree with him?