How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Section.Paragraph)
Quote #1
I wont push my chips forward and stand up and go out to meet him. It aint just bein older. I wish that it was. I cant say that it's even what you are willin to do. (1.1.2)
Bell says it's not about being older, but maybe it is. Maybe he's just tired of doing his job. Maybe he's got that old-man fatigue he didn't have as a young man. On the other hand, maybe he's just seen too much.
Quote #2
I dont know if law enforcement work is more dangerous now than what it used to be or not. (2.1.1)
This is one of the book's greatest questions, but we think Bell answers it for us as the book goes on. The work is definitely more dangerous than it used to be, and we can't predict how dangerous it will become by the time we are old.
Quote #3
I dont know that law enforcement benefits all that much from new technology. Tools that comes into our hands comes into theirs too. Not that you can go back. (3.1.1)
Unfortunately, the technology is more dangerous in the drug runners' hands because they know how to use it. Not only are the old people slow with technology, they also don't have the same drive. On top of that, they're reacting instead of acting.