Old Age Quotes in No Country for Old Men

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #7

What happened to the old people?

They've moved on to other things. (9.2.42-9.2.43)

This conversation between Chigurh and a drug lord isn't actually about old people; it's about the people who used to do this job. And by "other things," Chigurh probably means death. But these same phrases could apply to old wrinkly folks, too. They've died or given up. Either way, they have moved on.

Quote #8

I got to say you look older, he said.

I am older. (9.3.23-9.3.24)

This is one of those socially annoying ways of saying "you look tired." Bell is old and tired, though, so it's an accurate assessment. As stressful as his job is, he probably looks much older than he actually is right now.

Quote #9

He said I was bein hard on myself. Said it was a sign of old age. (10.1.1)

Do people get harder on themselves as they get older? Or is Bell in a unique situation because of his perceived failure at his job, a failure he attributes to generational differences?