The Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing: Traitor to the Nation, Volume I: The Pox Party True or False

1. What does Octavian mean when he tells us that "We left the Patriots behind us"? -> He and Goring decide to go AWOL.
2. Who is responsible for this quotation: "Your Heart would melt if you could see this Wretched, Silent Boy" (3.6.7)? -> The girl who sits behind you in math class.
3. Which character says to Octavian, "To manumit you, I would have to pay a bond… grievously expensive"? -> Mr. Gitney
4. Who is Octavian talking about when he says, "He knows the way to her heart is through me"? -> Mr. Gitney
5. Who says, "We are all part of a web of finance and exchange from which we cannot extricate ourselves"? -> Mr. Gitney
