The Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing: Traitor to the Nation, Volume I: The Pox Party Suffering Quotes

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Quote #10

I fell then to my knees; I fell upon the floor where my mother had fallen, sick with the fever; and I commenced to vomit through the mask, choking all the while on the dirty and acidic issue which clogged the max and my mouth.

Mr. Sharpe stood above me, speaking in profile, declaring, oblivious to my convulsions […]. I heaved on the floor by his feet.

"We have labored too long under a government that has sought to curtail exchange; such interference is unnatural…" (4.12.61-64)

Octavian's in obvious pain, but Mr. Sharpe just keeps right on talking. More to the point, he talks about how they (the Patriots) "have labored too long" when, right in front of him, Octavian is laboring to breathe. But then what can you expect from Mr. Sharpe?