Omeros Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Omeros? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Who's the hater in this scenario: "The lance of his hatred entered her with no sound,/yet she came and lay next to him, and they lay quietly/as two logs laid parallel on moonlit sand"?

Major Plunkett
The Narrator
Q. Who says, "We helped ourselves/to these green islands like olives from a saucer,/munched on the pith, then spat their sucked stones on a plate,/like a melon's black seeds," and what are they referring to?

Helen, referring to her job as a waitress
Seven Seas, referring to his time as an adventurer
Major Plunkett, referring to British colonialism
Midshipman Plunkett, referring to the Netherlands
Q. Who are the "bearded elders" here: "The bearded elders endured the decimation/of their tribe without uttering a syllable/of that language they had uttered as one nation"?

The trees on St. Lucia
Philoctete's ancestors
Major Plunkett's ancestors
The ants
Q. Who is the "her" in this quote: "How many young Redcoats had died/for her? How many leaves had caught yellow fever/from that lemon dress?"

Helen (the woman)
Helen (the island)
Ma Kilman
Helen the island and the woman
Q. Who is so torn that they say, "Half of me was with him. One half with the midshipman/by a Dutch canal. But now, neither was happier/or unhappier than the other"?

The Narrator
Seven Seas