How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
Commander Towers felt a little dazed, but refreshed. It was a long time since he had had to deal with this sort of a young woman. (1.164)
Man, Commander Towers has been out of the game longer than Larry Byrd. Knowing that, he's going to have his hands full with Moira Davidson—she parties so hard that she makes Ke$ha look like a nun. A super-glittery nun, sure, but a nun nuntheless.
Quote #2
From the back view, in that light summer dress, she was not unlike Sharon—or could it be that he was forgetting, muddling them up? (2.294)
Naturally, Dwight can't help but think about his wife as his feelings toward Moira grow. Sharon is almost assuredly dead—as is the rest of his family—but Dwight is unwilling to let her go. Once a married man, always a married man in this case.
Quote #3
"Nearly forty per cent of my ship's company have got themselves tied up with girls in Melbourne—married, some of them." (4.259)
Dwight's ship-hands are less chaste than their principled boss. We're not saying that's a bad thing, either—if you find out you've only got a year to live, hollering at every hunk and honey you see seems like a fairly normal response. And a hunky honey? Well, that's just like winning the lottery.