How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
"That's just where you've been wrong," the girl said equably. "It's me that's been courting him." (5.224)
Moira knows she's fighting a losing battle for Dwight's heart, but she never stops marching forward. That's a testament to how sincere her feelings toward him are.
Quote #5
In the dark alcove he took her in his arms and kissed her. [...] "Sharon wouldn't mind me doing this. It's from us both." (5.255)
OMG, it's finally happening. Of course, Dwight just has to burst our bubble by mentioning his dead wife while kissing his new boo, but we'll take what we can get at this point. So don't mind us, we'll just be over here writing copious amounts of fan fiction.
Quote #6
In the privacy of his little curtained cabin he unlocked the safe that held the confidential books and took out the bracelet; it glowed in the synthetic light. She would love it. (6.26)
As much as Dwight loves Moira, he loves his wife Sharon just a little bit more. In fact, he loves her so much that he buys her a fancy diamond bracelet despite knowing that he'll never actually be able to give it to her. As with most things in On the Beach, this makes us want to simultaneously bawl like a baby and praise the beauty of humankind.