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The One and Only Ivan Chapters 83-87 Summary

not right, going nowhere, bad guys, ad, imagining

  • Ivan's not satisfied with his art project so far and wishes he could use human words to express himself.
  • The circus shows aren't bringing in as much money as Mack hoped they would, so he looks for ways to cut back on expenses.
  • Unfortunately, this means turning the heat off at night and feeding them less. 
  • Ruby is losing weight.
  • Bob is getting impatient with Ivan and wants to know what this painting project is all about, but Ivan is still frustrated with his progress and won't say what he's up to.
  • Mack discovers some of Ivan's artwork hiding under his pool and wonders where he got the paint and how much he can sell the paintings for.
  • Ivan watches a Western on television and wonders what it would be like to be the sheriff.
  • When a commercial for the local zoo airs, Ivan watches carefully and sees the possibility of a different future for himself and for Ruby.
  • He studies the images of the zoo onscreen and finds the answer to his problem.
  • Now he knows exactly what he needs to paint to express his ideas in a way that will make sense to humans. 
  • Ivan is hard at work, painting like Julia does, about things that don't exist—yet.