The One and Only Ivan Resources


Save the Gorillas

Got gorillas on the brain? Eager to get involved and try to make a better world for "our closest cousins"? The World Wildlife Federation is the website for you then.

The Great Ape Project

The Great Ape project helps protect Ivan and other primates—even chimps (just don't tell Ivan).

Say It Ain't So

Gorillas are endangered species, Shmoopers. For more about what threatens them, along with some interesting facts about them in general, click on through.

The Pros and Cons of Zoos

If you're sitting like a lemur on the fence about whether or not you think zoos are good places for animals, this might give you a little more to chew on.

Ivan in Atlanta

When Ivan joined Zoo Atlanta, he finally joined a community that really cared for him. So much so, in fact, that they even made him his own page on their website. It's your one stop shop for all things Ivan.

"The Cruelest Show on Earth"

This article from Mother Jones goes behind the scenes at the circus. Warning: What they find isn't for the faint of heart.

Movies or TV Productions

The Urban Gorilla

See a clip of the documentary film that helped get the real Ivan out of the mall and into the zoo. It's sad to see, though at least the person who teaches this Ivan to paint tries to sell his art to improve Ivan's living conditions, instead of just to line his own pockets.

Articles and Interviews

Grab a Tissue

Here's a very touching obituary for the real life Ivan following his death.

How Do You Know You're a Big Deal?

Even NPR memorialized Ivan when he died. If that doesn't mark him as important, than we don't know what does.

Oh Yeah… Applegate

As much as this is Ivan's story, it's also author Katherine Applegate's. Here an interview with her here.


Applegate Takes Your Questions

Applegate answers readers' questions in this video, and doles out some solid advice about how to become a writer.

Ivan at the Zoo

Grass! Trees! Other gorillas! Looks like a pretty good spot for a gorilla to retire to if you ask us.


Free Ivan Protest Images

People really did rally to get Ivan out of the mall, and this link has a few images of their posters and such.