Orange Is the New Black Resources

Piper Kerman's website is now a one-stop shop for everything book and show related.

Piper's friend's website, the Pipe Bomb, is still up! It even has a link to Piper's Amazon wish list, which includes Virginia Woolf (a cell of one's own!) and the Odyssey.
Movie or TV Productions

The official Netflix site has trailers, interviews, and everything you need about the much more dramatic (and attractive) television adaptation of the memoir.
Articles and Interviews

In this interview with, Kerman says, "more people have experience with the criminal justice system than people assume." How'd she know about our criminal past?

Piper Kerman, a prisoner with a literary agent, says, "It wasn't even so much my own story […] but the people I met along the way who would probably never have this opportunity." She definitely got the message out there.

Larry's magazine ran an interview with Piper in which she talks about how she remembered so many details without a journal or tattooing them onto her arm with a ballpoint pen.

This is probably the only time you'll watch C-SPAN and not fall asleep.

We're number one! We're number one! Oh wait… we're number one in incarceration rates in the world… that's not something to cheer about.

A TEDx talk? More like a TEDx-con talk, by former convict and memoirist Piper Kerman.

Kerman talks about the not-so-fresh air in prison with Terry Gross.

With season two of the show hitting the Netflix, Kerman continues her advocacy for prison reform.

Kerman's memoir was the "Talk of the Nation" even before the Netflix show came out.

Here are the real Piper and Larry… post jail time.

Taylor Schilling isn't an inmate, but she plays one on television. Here she is with the real ex-con, Piper Kerman.

The Netflix series takes the line "impossibly stylish and cool lesbian" to the next level with Laura Prepon's portrayal of Nora-turned-Alex Vause.