Orange Is the New Black Themes

Orange Is the New Black Themes

Freedom and Confinement

The state motto of New Hampshire is "Live Free or Die." (Yes, we know Piper is in prison in Connecticut. Stick with us.) In prison in Orange is the New Black, the motto seems to be "Live Free and y...

Rules and Order

People break rules all the time. They drive over the speed limit, they cheat on their taxes, they talk during the movie. Depending on the severity of the infraction, sometimes breaking these rules...


It seems to be human nature to try to label people when you meet them. It's a way of piecing together their identity, which is made up of tons of parts: gender, job, family role, etc. But do you ev...


A family isn't necessarily the group of people you're born into. Sometimes you end up finding a family, whether it's a group of people you work with... or live with... or deal drugs all across Euro...

Drugs and Alcohol

Many movies, from Pulp Fiction to Spring Breakers to Trainspotting, glamorize drug and alcohol use among people of all ages, all over the world. And at the beginning of Orange is the...


You may have heard America called a melting pot (and not in the fondue restaurant sense of the word), but the different races in the United States don't exactly melt together. It's still pretty seg...


Some people seem to think that prisoners are like those frogs that change sex when in all-female situations. If women are all in prison together, well, it's only a matter of time before all the bun...


You'd think that someone who is religious wouldn't end up in jail in the first place, but what do we know? There's a nun in jail with Piper for Chri… oh, pardon our language, sister. In Orange is...


Friendships happen in strange places. There are places where women live together with no other men. They have roommates, they decorate their rooms, there are hazing rituals and cliques, and along t...