How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
A good thing you do not have to know who you are, Jarrett, in order to perform, because today there is a minimum of information available on that subject. (6.5)
Both father and son have the same "fake it till you make it" attitude. We guess Beth does, too, in a way—but she never actually makes it.
Quote #5
"It's called Search for Identity." (11.19)
Carole Lazenby, a very minor character, shares the name of a course she's taking. It's a sly wink at this book's major theme of searching for identity. And because she is a mother, it shows us that the search for identity never stops, not even when you are an adult.
Quote #6
"There's a guy in the closet. I don't even know him, that's the problem." (12.67)
Conrad isn't alluding to homosexuality here; this line has real a "skeletons in the closet" kind of flavor. Conrad's in therapy to try to understand who he really is, even if he might not like what he finds out.