How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
"I had a brother. He's dead. It was an accident on the lake. We were sailing. He drowned." (5.73)
Conrad has the same bland attitude about his brother's death that he has about his own attempt at suicide. Is that how he really feels? Or does he just talk about it this way so that he won't have to say anything further about it?
Quote #5
The fear behind the fear of losing people is that there might have been something you could have done to prevent it. (19.63)
Death is complicated, although many people don't actively fear losing people. They just assume it won't happen to them, and then they have to deal with both the shock and the grief when it happens. It's another avoidance tactic.
Quote #6
"Look, I don't know why you want to be alone in this, but I wouldn't s*** you, man. I miss him, too." (22.49)
Buck's death hits the Jarrett family hard, but it affects others, too. Conrad isn't able to look past his own grief and see that his good friend Lazenby is grieving, too. He doesn't know until Lazenby tells him.