Out of the Dust Guilt and Blame Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Stanza)

Quote #7

I have given my father so many chances / to understand, to / reach out, to / love me. He once did. / I remember his smile, / his easy talk. / Now there's nothing easy between us. (97.3)

While communication between Daddy and Billie Jo has always been strained, the accident seems to cause him to hold her at arm's length more than usual. The fact that both of them blame themselves for Ma's death adds to their already complex relationship.

Quote #8

"I've done it again," he says. / "Taken food from a child." / I show him my cloth bag with more biscuits. / "At home," he said, "I couldn't feed them / couldn't stand the baby always crying. / And my wife, / always that dark look following me. / Couldn't take no more." (100.2)

Outside of Billie Jo's situation, the Great Depression was a guilt-inducing experience for a lot of people, particularly men who couldn't provide for their families. The man Billie Jo meets on her brief train journey illustrates the pain that comes from this.