Admiration Quotes in Paper Towns

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"She's just doing Margo stuff. Making stories. Rocking worlds." (2.1.64)

Would people be disappointed in Margo if she started acting "normal"? Margo has put a lot of pressure on herself to live up to all her antics in order to continue receiving admiration from her peers.

Quote #5

She called out, "Thank you for my two hundred dollars!" (2.5.20)

Quentin starts receiving admiration from other students when, after Margo leaves, he puts a stop to some bullying all by himself.

Quote #6

"Look at our boy Ben! He's some kind of autistic savant when it comes to keg stands. Apparently he's like setting a world record right now or something." (2.13.34)

While Quentin wouldn't be caught dead doing a keg stand, Ben is pretty excited to set the keg stand record. Different social circles admire different feats.