Friendship Quotes in Paper Towns

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"I am happy to participate in your investigation. But I have a girlfriend. She wants to have a nice prom. I want to have a nice prom. It's not my fault that Margo Roth Spiegelman didn't want us to have a nice prom." (2.11.48)

Radar respects Quentin's desire to find Margo Roth Spiegelman, but he's not willing to sacrifice his own life for it. Friends are allowed to have their own lives, too, after all—something Margo, who thinks the world revolves around her, doesn't seem to realize.

Quote #8

I did not expect to see Jase Worthington and two other baseball players holding a tuxedo-clad Ben upside down above a keg of beer. (2.13.21)

Ben makes new friends, and Quentin is angry with him for it. But why? Is Quentin jealous? Or does he just not want Ben to be friends with people he doesn't like? Do Ben's friends affect Quentin in any way at all?

Quote #9

I wonder if [Margo] created this journey for us on purpose or by accident—regardless, it's the most fun I've had since the last time I spent hours behind the wheel of a minivan. (3.1.22)

The reason this trip is so fun for Quentin is that he's getting to spend time with his friends living, instead of sitting in his room trying to be like Margo.