Persepolis Marjane Quotes


Quote 43

I didn't always like [tripping], but I by far preferred boring myself with [Ingrid] to having to confront my solitude and my disappointments. (26.75)

Marjane doesn't tell us anything about her "friend" Ingrid. Maybe it's because the only thing the two of them have in common is a taste for hallucinogenic substances?


Quote 44

The communal life went hand in hand with the use of all kinds of mood enhancers: weed, hash… I tripped every weekend, and you could see it on my face. (26.49)

Living on the anarchist compound, Marjane experiments with all sorts of drugs. This is another reason we equate these anarchists with the free-wheeling hippie lifestyle of the 1960s in the United States—both really liked their "mood enhancers."


Quote 45

Becoming a vegetable was out of the question. (24.25)

Marjane's parents instilled in her a fear of drugs. Too many drugs and you'll turn into a vegetable is kind of their version of keep doing that and your face will freeze that way. We're not sure if they have a point, or if they're just saying it to instill fear in their daughter. We do know that Marjane "vegetableizes" a bit eventually, but it seems like she is able to snap out of it.