Persepolis Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Persepolis? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Siamak and his family cross the border by crawling with a flock of farm animals in which chapter?

The Sheep
The Horse
The Heroes
The Alpacas
Q. Marjane learns of the methods by which her grandfather was tortured in jail in which chapter?

The Socks
The Heroes
The Water Cell
The Iron Maiden
Q. Marjane learns a lot about women's sexual liberation in Vienna in which chapter?

Hide and Seek
The Pill
The Croissant
Fear of Flying
Q. Marjane gets dressed to leave Vienna and return to Iran in which chapter?

The Veil
The Socks
The Trip
The Full-Body Scan at the Airport
Q. Marjane briefly gets hooked on cable television in which chapter?

The Remote
The Television
The Satellite
The Comcastic Experience