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Pinocchio Scene 7 Summary

  • The rain has stopped, but it's super foggy. We zoom in on a creepy looking building with a sign that reads "Red Lobster Inn."
  • We see Honest John and Gideon inside with a coachman, singing and bragging about their deal with Stromboli.
  • Once they're finished, the Coachman offers a deal to his business partners, claiming that he loves "collecting stupid little boys." They start whispering, though, so we don't hear the details.
  • We do hear the last bit of their conversation, however—the Coachman says that he brings the kids to "Pleasure Island." Wow. This sounds genuinely disturbing.
  • This makes Honest John nervous about the law, which means that it must be bad.
  • The Coachman drives home his villainous bonafides with a maniacal laugh, but Honest John and Gideon take the deal nonetheless.