How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Panel)
Quote #4
“How often [...] the Thought Police plugged in on any individual wire was guesswork. It was even conceivable that they watched everybody all the time.” (2.22)
This is a quote from 1984 that Guy transcribes for us. While it doesn’t quite apply 1-to-1 with what’s going on in North Korea (without technology, the government can’t actually listen in on people, at least not on a widespread scale), it makes Guy paranoid enough that he’s afraid he might actually be bugged.
Quote #5
The few dismal pictures you see in the west had actually led me to expect worse. (2.41)
This little statement makes us ask ourselves what kind of propaganda we might be swallowing about North Korea. Without seeing it ourselves, how do we really know what’s going on there?
Quote #6
A slice of bread dipped in milk and heated in the microwave. (3.22)
Again, we see North Korea trying to replicate things people enjoy (in this case, French toast) and failing at it. Horribly. It’s like the fourth season of Community. It looks okay on the surface, but it’s missing its soul. (Or, if you like, missing its Seoul.)