How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Panel)
Quote #10
“He told us: ‘After seeing all these gifts from around the world, I don’t need to travel anymore.’"
“Right... it’s so much easier to stay home.” (7.28)
The regime tries to convince people that they can live vicariously through these carefully curated foreign exhibits. It’s like seeing something on TV versus actually going there. It’s not the same thing. Do you think the North Koreans want to travel?
Quote #11
The first item [of news] features archival footage of Papa Kim visiting a plant, as though he were still alive. [...] Then Kim Jr. is shown speaking with Papa Kim (and for once you see the father’s neck tumor, which is usually edited out of photos). (10.6, 10.9)
The extent to which the news is manipulated in North Korea is terrifying. But the extreme level of manipulation there makes it all the more apparent when “mistakes”—like the neck tumor—slip through. Why don’t people notice these mistakes and call them out?