Ragtime Technology and Modernization Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Grandfather's doctor, who had submitted him to the latest orthopedic procedure for broken hips, a metallic pin implanted like an internal splint, advised them that he should be on his crutches or in his chair as much as possible... (31.3)

Who knew they were implanting pins in hips way back then? One of the obvious advantages of technology are medical advances, which would be especially necessary after the carnage of World War I… a carnage that was brought about by advances in weaponry. Vicious circle, eh?

Quote #8

For a few pennies they sit and see their selves in movement, running, racing in motorcars, fighting, and, forgive me, embracing each other. This is most important today, in this country, where everybody is so new. (33.10)

Technology isn't limited to planes, trains and automobiles. Here Tateh explains movies and why it's blossoming into a big business: because film technology allows humans to experience frozen time.

Quote #9

Morgan's intention in Egypt was to journey down the Nile and choose a site for his pyramid. [...] He expected that with modern construction techniques, the use of precut stones, steam shovels cranes, and so forth, a serviceable pyramid could be put up in less than three years. (40.12)

It's kind of hilarious that the richest man in the world wants to use all the modern technology at his disposal to build something that was made thousands of years ago.